On which points will the jury judge the ideas?
The jury will judge the ideas on the basis of the following questions:
1. Which idea will have the biggest impact on new labour perspectives for people who have difficulty finding/retaining jobs?
2. Which idea is super original and also feasible/applicable?
3. Is the idea well designed with an eye for design and technology?
1. Which idea will have the biggest impact on new labour perspectives for people who have difficulty finding/retaining jobs?
2. Which idea is super original and also feasible/applicable?
3. Is the idea well designed with an eye for design and technology?
The Jury
Wim van der Leegte
Former president-director of VDL Groep Wim shows his social engagement by fulfilling several functions. Among other things he is chairman of thee Eindhovensche Fabrikantenkring and chairman of the foundation PSV Voetbal. Furthermore, he has shared his point of view as an entrepreneur on economical and social issues in commentaries for Eindhovens Dagblad.
Tessie Hartjes
"Ultimately, technology is a very powerful tool to (re)strenghten the core of our destinctive human nature as social beings." She is the co-founder of Blue Jay Eindhoven. Team Blue Jay Eindhoven wants to show the true potential of drones and has created a new type of drone that is autonomous, safe, social and helpful. She has a Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Innovation Sciences and a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering both from the University of Technology in Eindhoven. Furthermore, Tessie is part of the role model database from VHTO. VHTO strives to attract more girls towards the bèta, technology and IC&T study directions.